Friday, July 17, 2009

fierce gaze

Withdrawn and alone in a thicket of trees, the hair hangs down in front of my face. I am like a wild creature, fierce eyes, claws unsheathed, reflexes primal.

Come near me and I'll rip you to shreds. It's the law of the jungle. No one approaches another to give, only to take.

I have a heart. It's there, beating, deep within my body. The law of the jungle makes it an irrelevant, dangerous liability.

This woman swings wildly from the vines. This woman shoots poisoned darts from a blowgun with deadly accuracy. This woman can take you down, lay you low, destroy you as easily as she can breathe.

To be human, to love and care--long forgotten ancestral memories. Just to live another day takes every ounce of strength stored in these bones and sinews.

1 comment:

  1. You are AMAZING! I absolutely LOVE the way you strong...and yet so vulnerable. You show the walls and the tough exterior so well and at the same time, show the sadness (not the right word...the real word I know of is in Brasilian Portuguese and it's "saudade" - sort of like homesickness or missing someone/something - not hopeless in that person died but not hopeful in that you see it happening - I don't know how to explain) of wanting the vulnerability...

    Oh wow! I don't even know what to say or what I'm trying to say...and I'm not usually at a loss for words...

    Much Love,
