Friday, March 6, 2009

On What Is #4

I don't like
my poems


  1. I do! And I feel inspired to write a poegle. I will post it here first when I do.


  2. Number Theory GMAT

    This page contains the kind of questions that appear tough and difficult.

    Practice question for the day is an inequality question. Inequality is one of the easiest set of questions if the basic concepts are well ... fairly confusing.

    This broad category is a popular source for most of my problems.

    At first, students often struggle with these problems since they have forgotten powers of large numbers.

    This is a big change.

    The winners' guide with the possible exceptions maintains a strong Focus on trap-like questions.

  3. I love this, Daria. To me, it's all lovely, intellectual language that goes completely over my head, and I find this highly amusing. Like, I'm sure there's a deep message in the poem but fucked if I'm ever going to understand it. I sometimes talk to myself in similar language.

  4. HAAAA... this is crazy! Neither my mom or a man I asked to read this "got" it. I now feel better that I don't have to judge them (not that I had to before but I was kinda doing it). Yay...

    the theme is inequality and social change and how they are such tricky and deep "Things" to grapple with philosophically or spiritually.

  5. I love your picture, too. You're absolutely adorable. <3

  6. Thank you I like your picture a lot too... It feels SUPER intriguing and mysterious Goddesslike
