Sunday, March 22, 2009

Poegle: Christian dogma creates atheist dogma

Blame Google, not me. ;)

Actually, go ahead and blame me, I can handle it.

Right now, we are talking about the fundamental dogma of atheism
They are peddling their own metaphysical dogmas in the name of science
I became an atheist as the one alternative that is FORBIDDEN
homophobe religion dogma hate bigot
I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life, I absenteed myself

if God doesn't exist, everything and anything is permissible
the atheist has no use for religion of any kind
Beware of Dogma

“scientific” Christian’s view of God looks very similar to an “atheist”
Life creates order out of chaos, sense out of non-sense and fusion out of disintegration.
This is perhaps the most honest and forthright atheist group I have ever seen.
In fact, reason is intrinsic to the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Dogma, not faith, is the barrier to scientific enquiry

The proponents of the new atheism presuppose a naïve form of theism that perceives God,
It has been launched as a backlash to the heavy handed Christian ads
The dogma's bollocks

the Creator has created the living world
appeasing religious zealots only creates a culture of entitlement
both communist and Christian dogma make the present so bland, boring and hopeless
Bury Old Dogma

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