Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Call #10

Well, here you go. The series has reached its logical end point--a healthy, stable, monogamous, committed relationship that feels a certain way. Now the question--will this play out in real life? And if it does, what happens if he reads this? Will he flip out?

I figure, I want to be with someone who can handle it. Someone who's not going to freak out at the fact that--oh my God--I have this shocking desire to be in a healthy relationship. I mean, it's a desire that is common to most people, so why should anyone be ashamed of it?

The way it is with Makani is like this
there is always the mystery between us.

There is never any doubt that he is mine and I am his
Yet the secrets of his heart are his own to keep.

And he does not pry into mine. Yet he seeks to know me, completely, the woman I am now.

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