Thursday, January 29, 2009

Using creativity to create our lives

Someday I'll tell the full story of how I discovered the powerful impact my own creativity has had on my life. To make a long story short, I wrote fragments of a story in high school and college, and then forgot about them. Ten years later, I realized that I had lived out that story, complete with its depressing ending.

When I thought about it in the context of the Law of Attraction, it made perfect sense. I had an irrationally powerful emotional attachment to the story and its characters--more so than to anything in real life. In a way, I was in love with the story--and the emotion of being in love is the most powerful catalyst for creation in existence.

It became clear that I needed to write some new stories. This blog will serve as a home for them, a cauldron in which their alchemy can take place.

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