Friday, January 30, 2009

Is it ever, really, about the money?

I believe the Law of Attraction works best when we first listen within us to find out what it is our soul really wants. I can't count the number of times I've tried to use it to bring in X number of dollars by Y date and my heart wasn't in it--for me it's not really about the money.

This feeling of "it's not about the money" comes to me even more strongly when I think of my work situation. I recently started working at Life Force Arts Center on a volunteer/work exchange basis, and now suddenly I'm the assistant director. (If you're in Chicago, definitely come by the center; we have a lot of really awesome things planned including a Spring Equinox ritual with a live alligator who is also a healer! I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried; it's that cool.) This move is quite possibly the greatest thing that's ever happened in my work life, and yet, I still need to keep my other job in order to eat.

I want to make my living with the same kind of passion that I have for my work at LFAC. And this means that I will, most likely, eventually have to leave the very comfortable position that I now have, with a company that just this past week decided to make an investment in training me for a more responsible position.

Things are falling out of the sky for me this year, in terms of work. I am also doing 9 dresses for a good friend's wedding next June, and will start that work this June. I feel sorry that I wasn't ever in this happy, fulfilled working situation when I was married--our problems might then have been lessened. Who knows, though? As Penny says in Dr. Horrible, "Everything happens."

So what I want to create is a fulfilling way to make my living, doing work on the artistic and spiritual side of the world ALL THE TIME. Or *almost* all the time. After all, I am beginning to have a better understanding of the financial industry, and this can' t be a bad thing. I also want to create a situation where I truly come into the full power of whatever innate and learned talents I have, so that I can use them for the betterment of my employers, clients, and humanity--whoever they end up being.

That is the intention. It's only a matter of time before the beginnings of its artistic expression drops into my head; watch this space for updates.

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