Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Call #6

This is my favorite poem in the series because he finally shows up! I get a mental image of a tall, weathered, dark-haired man, walking and singing. I feel somewhat embarrassed to be so excited about something I wrote--but that's the whole point! It *should* make you feel something. It doesn't need to make anyone else feel anything--that is the difference between creation artwork and artwork produced for others. I wonder if any actual guy would think like this--but it produces the right feeling in me.

I am as old as the hills
and it does not matter.
I have the wellspring of vitality within.
I have within me what you need.

All I have, I lay at your graceful feet,
I reach within myself and bring it forth for you,
it is my greatest pleasure to give it to you.

Only let me enter by the gates of your lush garden.
Let me drink the pure spring water from your overflowing well.
Let me find rest in your warm embrace, sanctuary in your arms, nourishment in your breasts.

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