Saturday, February 7, 2009


I don't write poems.

I don't create the topics, I don't choose the words. Rather, I think about a topic on which I'd like answers, and ask the Divine for an inspiration...and then wait. Sometimes it comes in a matter of seconds and sometimes it takes several writings over a period of several months to get to a place of clarity. Really, I expect that it'll take forever, as I'll always be refining my questions, asking new ones, and getting closer to the heart of what it is that my soul really came here to accomplish.

It is very hard for my mind to accept anything I write here, by the way. My mind wants everything to fit into the neat little boxes of academic disciplines, backed up by bibliographies and hard scientific research to prove my legitimacy...and I've got nothing. Only my own experience, and my own experiments based on theories like the Law of Attraction, which gets its own share of bad press for being based on "bad science." I'm going to come right out and say I don't know good science from bad. Who makes that call? What are THEIR credentials? Who gave them their credentials and what gave them the right to do so? Ultimately, someone somewhere made it all up.

My ex-husband used to often say that anyone whose last name is Raye made it up at some point, that it isn't a real name. Well, anyone with ANY name made it up at some point. At what point does "made-up" transition into "real"? Who gets to decide that?

There is no authority over us. There are things in our lives over which we have no control--but there's no one up there deciding what we can and cannot do. The process of Life Itself gives us the consequences to our actions, gives us exactly what we have asked for with our thoughts, words, and actions.

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