Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On What Is #6

This poem is one I want to judge for being too melodramatic and emo, however, when I had finished writing it, I LITERALLY felt my body change. Every old wound, every screaming cell, every scar dissolved into pure heat and just ran down my spine and out through my feet into the floor.

A hundred thousand scars cover this body. A hundred thousand defeats in a world where a single defeat merits death. And I am still alive--if barely. A hundred thousand taut cords and wires bind this body to the grave.

A hundred thousand old wounds cry out to be reopened by the relentless knife of circumstance. Calling in more and more sin, more and more defeat, more and more death upon me.

The universe produces all that is requested and piles it on so high, so wide, so deep that a thousand friends could not lift the burden from me.

Yet one Friend can.

One grain of faith smaller than a mustard seed takes down every opposition, heals every wound.


  1. Relentless anger violence and more

    But "black rage" has now been amalgamated As more Iraqis lose loved ones the victory will be ours.
    the cycle of anger and violence advanced the cause of truth and understanding far more than we will ever know
    Aggressive responses tend to lead to more violence and more bullying for the victims
    Who doesn't want to get really upset with a bully?

    Angry workers are bad for business
    seems like a forced explanation for the level of contemporary violence in America a relentless pattern of physical, sexual Anger, madness, and the daimonic
    He was shot five more times, including once through the jaw if the relentless pattern of street violence isn’t somehow broken to direct or vicarious violence, alienation from healthy peer and community relationships
    The relentless tough-guy talk--so articulate and persuasive and whose problem is not theatricality but its relentless sincerity

    And for its first act, this world-premiere play exploring teen violence is terrific
    relentless terrorism is more likely to numb the target than is sporadic terrorism
    More Nepalese Children Grow Up Angry
    Creative Anger: Putting That Powerful Emotion to Good Use The headaches are relentless and paralyzing.

  2. Wow, Google sure has a lot on anger and violence.

    I like this poem. It feels like so much of what is going on inside me a lot of the time--the relentless cycle of anger and violence, and yet there is a tiny seed of hope near the end of the poem when you mention putting the anger to good use.
